Tuesday, October 20, 2009

So Special!!

  hi everybody!here goes my first official blog, and am so excited in writing this, because as i was pondering  about what to write ,i felt that i can start with writing from my BIG BOOk, so this is it.............

                                               PSALM 139

This is one of my favourite psalm from the bible,when i came across the psalm i was too shocked to know about God's understanding and his Love.....let me explain what am trying to convey here,the psalm has 24 verses,each verse explains how much he cares,,starting from the first till the last.. it goes with his knowledge about everything we would be doing from the day we were born, (all our dark secrets too)),my favourite part is even when i go astray or try to hide from his presence even then his Right Hand would always uphold me,or it can be implied he always finds and pulls me up,isn't that amazing???some one always keeping track of you,even when u annoy them the most,!!

    The most wonderful thing about this psalm i like is,how God considers everyone  very special and unique ,(verses 13-16).The best part is he has designed our lives before our birth even, how cool is that!!the fact is we can never fathom it with our chicken brains ,:)Its just like before we execute a plan we make blue print of it,so that was exactly what God was doing too,,we are all part of His wonderful Plan....

           This might sound different or unbelieving,and the fact is it has a very strong statement and is is so true,i can say it confidently because there were times in my life when things were not on the brighter side,God cheered me up by helping me to read this psalm,so that whatever happens in my life,(unhappy times)i would always get reminded, my plan is not yet over!!!!Now am in all smilessss:) which applies for everyone out there!you are special !so cheer up!he knows everything that is going on in our lives he will come and help you,because you are the apple of his Eye!!:)

you can read the psalm to fully taste God's Love...:) and am gonna wrap up here,God BLess!!