Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Miracle Indeed!

Hey everybody! how ya been???Hope you all are having a great time by His Grace, Well its been so long since i blogged,i feel terrible about it.....anyways there is something I really want to share with u all for this year 2010....If i turn back my pages to 2009,Its all imprinted deeply within me, and i really wanna pour it out goes ....:)2009 is a memorable year for me,about one thing in particular is what i wanna share with everyone here,..during the month of May, my mom was not doing very well, she had this unbearable pain in her right leg ,as in her thigh(also the femur),we all thought it was just a sprain, became so unbearable that she was taken to the hospital,the doctors diagnosed and said it has to be some muscular cramp,she was given medicines but nothing worked....she still had that awful pain, so they took a scan and found that there was a hair pin like fracture,as always all the doctors were surprised that they reported it was one of the rare cases because the femur bone do not get fractured just like that ,without the patient fallng or hurting his/her leg...Are you with me till now??alrighty :)

My mom was told to take rest,but unfortunately within a few days the bone broke into half..i still cant imagine the pain my mom would have gone thro...well, my mom was rushed to the hospital,she was taken to trivandrum where they did a minor surgery to fix the broken leg,Meanwhile i was never told about all this,Until i couldn bear it any longer,I went to trivandrum to find out for myself.when i saw her i was in tears .....i was like "God Please help us"...i was there for about a week and returned back....

Since it was a mystery to everyone, samples were taken from her bone and was sent to various hospitals and care centres for diagnosing,finally in regional cancer centre,trivandrum, they found out that this might be cancer,and they found it to be as a bone lymphoma.
I was in college when all of this happened and when i heard the news ,i was so broken inside,i couldn do well in my academics, i was not being myself, will always want to be alone, depressed....the thing was i always used to freak out when i hear about cancer,being science student, knowing all about it,and when my mom is going thro the one thing i detested it sure did freak me out so much,there has never been a night without me crying.....but still somehow i know God was with us all along ,he strengthened me thro his wonderful Word,and also thro my buddies,thank u guys :) God bless u all!!
Coming back to my memory lane,after she was diagnosed for cancer she was taken to christian medical college,vellore(cmc),there she underwent her treatment,she had her 1st,2nd,3rd chemotherapies but nothing happenedwhen her scan was taken ,the lesion was only getting bigger,it was not healing....The doctors lost hope, so they told my dad she should have a major surgery,which might take too much for her,and thats the only way out...they said lets see after the 4th chemotherapy.
My dad literally would have been in tears,he was taking care of mom,,but he wouldn have shown it out!!love u dad :)her 4th chemotherapy was given,even in our church they prayed for mom,we told everyone we know to pray for her and that following week or so my aunt said that she will be cured,just like jesus raised Lazarus from the grave....( for the people who do not know the incident,its from the goes like this,there was a man who got really sick ,meanwhile had sent for jesus to heal this man lazarus,but before jesus could come and cure him,he passes gets 4 days for Jesus to come to his place,but u know what Jesus did??he just said "lazarus come out ".and he raised him to life.) dad was very much consoled when he heard this,..the next day being sunday he attended the evening service in the cmc chapel,it so happened the minute he set foot inside the church the pastor was talking about the exact same incident that my aunt said,its from john 11.
........My Dad was overjoyed when he heard it,his faith was boosted up...and when they took the scan for the 4th chemotherapy ,to everyone's surprise,the lesion was gone!!!Praise God!!The doctors told she is 80%healed,,When i heard the news i was literally jumping up n down!!
My joy knew no bounds,God has been wonderfully gracious to our was a medical miracle indeed!2 more chemotherapies were done and now she is perfectly alright,she had a full check up last week, and she is perfect now,perfect as in she walks without any support,how cool is that???lol ..All of this happened only cause of his Grace ,just as its written "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit"
Mom was home for christmas,the entire family was there, must have had a rocking time at home,i was stuck with my project,sigh :( but i was so happy for my mom....:) Anyways my joy was overwhelming thinking that God answered our prayers.(special thanks to my buddies who prayed for my mom!it was a good support to us..).well in this crisis one thing God taught me was to have faith on him ,no matter how bizarre a situation can be,,,i always get anxious about things...he taught me that he is in control of every other situation in my life,i can tell it for sure anywhere, He is the everloving- ever living- ever lasting God..thank u jesus :)
In my life it brought a change,it must have to our entire family, but to me i was taught to trust him fully without anxiety,,what am trying to say is what Jesus did for my mom ,am sure he is mighty enough to save you his time ,all we gotta go is call onto him,because he loves u dearly :) can somebody say amen??amen!:)
Am closing my chapter now,hope it strenghtens ur faith too..never give up on calling on Jesus in any situation Big or small....u know wat?GOd takes his time with u and me!!!!kewl huh..:) God blesss all!!