Friday, October 1, 2010

Fascinated by genes

Its been awhile since I wrote something .The truth is got caught up with life, (even though i have been jobless for a loong time) and forgot all about my blog, My apologies for that :/. Well, i was doin nothing at home and was pondering over what to write, then it struck me, why can't I write something based on life sciences *smiles* .This post is based on the Big Book .
I have a major in molecular biology and genetics and that subject has always fascinated me. To those people who have no clue about what am saying, let me try to explain .Every living being have this hereditary material called as genes. A gene is a unit of heredity in a living organism. It normally resides on a stretch of DNA that codes for a type of protein. Still doesn't ring a bell? may be a computer analogy can help, the DNA contained in genes performs like software, telling the hardware in the cytoplasm what to do. A small fault in a DNA can totally change the entire function of a protein, or it can cause some physical anemolies.
I have given only a gist of what i have learnt, there are volumes and volumes of books based on the study of genes, what struck me in the reality aspect is that they are so tiny, they stay behind the scenes ( u can hardly see them) Without them our body cannot function, it will only result in chaos. Makes me ponder more about the designer, God's creation is amazing how vast is his knowledge, we can hardly fathom it!! * in awe* .
We can do nothing without him, what i feel is, just because we cannot see him with our eyes does not mean he does not exist.. I cannot see a DNA yet i know its behind every activity in my body. Of course same is that God stays behind the scenes, and yet without his love, there will be only chaos in our lives. He is THE DNA to our lives without which we are doomed. well, think i can finish my post with this verse i just remembered,
'Jesus said " You cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me" - John 15: 4b
God bless!! :)


Saileela said...

Finally u proved it fidzzz!
Mol bio student!!! *wonders*
Itz d best job u ever did baby :)
And d final para touched my heart deeply!
I totally agree ~ He is d DNA to our lives...
Lukin forward for such similar posts from u scientist... he he :D

fiddie said...

ahhhh leelai.. u always make me feel good!!! thanks huny!!!<3